Coventry Corporation – Daimler CWA6 – EKV 966 – 366

Copyright Ken Jones

Coventry Corporation Transport
Daimler CWA6
Duple H30/26R – Roe Pullman H31/25R (1951)

EKV 966 is a Daimler CWA6 dating from 1944. It entered service with Coventry Corporation Transport in 1945 with a Duple Utility body. It was rebuilt with new Roe Pullman body in 1951. It has been in store for many years and made a rare outdoors appearance earlier this year at the Coventry Corporation Transport Centenary rally. It is owned by Coventry Transport Museum

Roger Burdett has issued the following statement November 2012:-

I expect to move it to secure site at the beginning of January 2013 for work to start virtually straight away. It is coming to me on a 20 year loan and I have agreed a remedial plan with Coventry Transport Museum.
Major issues are the cracked block on the engine and the seats which require re-trimming.
The list of work however is quite extensive and cost estimated at a range between £50k and £80k + volunteer hours; depending on what we find on wiring and structure.
Visual issues for consideration are the downstairs windows and whether we keep what is on already (know they are not right) against finding other suitable ones to replace. Knackered Roe bodies are however few and far between; and of course trim material for the seats. Believe in 1951 it was trimmed with Lister check moquette like 126-165 and the nearest material to that is London Transport check.
The hydraulic brakes will require overhaul including refurbished master cylinders and of course £2k for new tyres flaps.
We will not know structure situation till we take side panels off but Roe have a good reputation for this. Chassis looks to be in good nick and does not have the flitch corrosion problem that hits CVGs
I estimate a return to the road sometime in 2014

Photograph and Copy contributed by Ken Jones

11/12/12 – 16:24

366 was withdrawn from service in 1959 but retained by the maintenance department as a mobile workshop with fleet number 02. The platform door was panelled in as were the lower deck windows. It was little used as such but in 1970 was passed to the Transport Museum, the door was reinstated and replacement windows were fitted. The number 366 was affixed in addition to 02.


23/04/18 – 06:20

Now restored and in beautiful condition. Seats fantastic and it certainly motors well.
I managed rides at both Quorn and Aldridge.

Tony Martin

27/04/18 – 05:53

Shows how optimistic I was saying 2014 when in fact it became 2018. We lost a whole year due to issues getting the downstairs window frames fabricated replacing the Orion windows in the picture.
I overlooked I would need new window cappings for the inside of the frame as well. In typical Roe fashion these all became marginally different as Roe did not jig build their bodies.
Then we found the engine block had two cracks-one easily repaired and the other proved impossible. I sourced a Gen-set and my team rebuilt it to the Automotive Spec.
But all worth it when I see comments like Tony’s.
It should appear again at Wythall on Whit Sunday complete with my other two completed Coventrys-244+334

Roger Burdett

28/04/18 – 07:34

Just a quick line to reinforce Tony`s comments on EKV 966.
I had the pleasure of riding on her last Saturday at Quorn, and enjoyed the best ride I ever had on a preserved bus.
Beautifully restored, and the sounds were pure “music” ! The last time I heard such “music” was 1958, when Bradford withdrew its last CWA6s.
Thanks for the enjoyment Roger.

John Whitaker

28/04/18 – 07:35

Well done, Roger, for your tenacity, another quality needed for vehicle restoration! For those of us who won’t be able to see here in the flesh, How about a favourite photo of yours to put with this post?

Chris Hebbron

01/05/18 – 05:49

Where are you based I may bring it to a Bus Event near you?
If you send me your email address I can fill your in-box.

I am not a great poster of photos but Ken Jones has on SCT61

Roger Burdett

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