Smiths Luxury Coaches – Dennis Lancet – EDP 820

Copyright Roger Cox

Smiths Luxury Coaches (Reading) Ltd
Dennis Lancet J3
Duple FC33F

This shot is from the Roger Cox gallery contribution titled “Smith’s Luxury Coaches Dennis Lancets” click on the title if you would like to view his Gallery and comments.
The shot is shown here for indexing purposes but please feel free to make any comment regarding this vehicle either here or on the gallery.

26/10/11 – 15:33

It could possible be me in EDP 820 R C Shackleford or J Thorne back in 1960

R C Shackleford

27/10/11 – 07:43

Smith's of Reading007driver detail
Smith's of Reading Lancet

In response to R C Shackleford, here is a (hopefully) more detailed picture of the driver of EDP 820. I also attach another view of EDP 819 which shows the driver, who Mr Shackleford may be able to identify, helping his passengers off his coach at Hampton Court. I remain convinced that the Dennis Lancet III was one of the best engineered vehicles of its time.

Roger Cox

27/10/11 – 12:05

99 per cent its me driving other driver could be Bill Riealy deceased.

R C Shackleford

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