York Pullman Bus Company Ltd
AEC Regent V MD3RV
Roe H33/28RD
A “could have been better” shot of a York Pullman Regent V with its rear doors closed. Talking of which does anybody know how the rear doors worked, were they air operated by the driver or operated by the conductor either manually or air assisted. I once went by normal service bus to Scarborough from Halifax via Bradford, Leeds and York, so the chances of going on a West Yorkshire K series with rear doors on route would be odds on I would of thought. But I can not remember the operating system of the doors, if you know please leave a comment.
I was obviously new to the skills of photograph back in 1966, the number of shots I have that were taken into the sun is amazing. The trouble is, with half cab buses the more interesting side is the near side which is not the easiest side to take angle wise. So when a chance for a near side shot came up you took it and hoped for the best, I could always retouch out the shadow that’s not a difficult job but then the shot would loose its originality.
A full list of Regent V codes can be seen here.
Don’t know how the doors on the York Pullman AEC in your photo worked, but the West Yorkshire K series buses all had conductor operated doors. As often as not, the doors were left open except when the conductor had finished collecting fares and knew that it was unlikely that the bus would stop soon. Obviously, opening and closing the door was virtually impossible when the bus was frequently stopping and starting, when the conductor would be busy collecting fares, particularly on the top deck. Going from York to Scarborough, for example, (Route 43), the door would probably be left open until the bus had reached the outskirts of the city.
Roy Burke
The answer to your question is the rear door on the York Pullman Regent V was operated by the conductor.
My late dad was a driver with York Pullman and I can say he has driven this and all the buses in the old fleet he was paired with Danny Weaver his conductor and yes I am a bus and coach driver, if you would like any more info on the old York Pullman then if I can I will only be to pleased to do so. I remember very well the old depot on Navigation Road, York then Peter Dew and his ‘Top Line Travel’ buses worked out of there when it was a car park how do I know? I drove for him and it is a pleasure and honour to drive from the same place as my late dad. I have spent many happy hours at the York Pullman depot dreaming of driving a bus sad but true.
Andy Tyler
Hi, I am clutching at straws here at the moment but I am trying to find out information on my father, Mr Donald Fewster who worked on York Pullman buses in the 1960s. Any information would be very gratefully received.
Brian Lloyd
I have just been reading the above comments and yes I remember Ada and Ted and also George Tyler. I believe George had the nickname Eggie because he used to be a driver delivering eggs. My Dad, Gerry Rank worked for York Pullman from 1939 until his retirement in 1990. He was a mechanic/driver. I have ridden many miles on their buses and coaches. My Mum was also a clippie, Molly, until I was born in 1956
Liz Greene nee Rank
Gosh, this is stretching the purpose of this site rather, but I was intrigued by Brian Lloyd’s enquiry about his father, Donald Fewster. That isn’t a very common name and there can’t have been many Fewsters in York, so maybe I, (or rather my dad), knew a relative of Brian’s. He was Alf Fewster, who had a greengrocer’s round with a horse and cart, and, later a Jowett Javelin, (Reg No. FDN 750). Any use, Brian?
Roy Burke
14/09/11 – 17:01
I clicked on this website cause I’m trying to find anyone who knew my dad, Geoffery Phillips, who worked for York Pullman until he left in 1990 ish. I know he knew Pete Dew and he used to say that the company was called Raynard Pullman. is this true? any help gratefully received.
Andy Phillips
15/09/11 – 09:31
York Pullman was bought out by a Father and Son called Marsh, who had earlier bought the Reynard Car Hire and Garage business, they had previously bought Broadbent of Stamford Bridge and Walkers of Tadcaster and combined them as Reynard Coaches. After the takeover, York Pullman traded as Reynard Pullman. In 1990 the York Pullman Coach business was sold to Hull City Transport. The bus part of the business was renamed Reynard Bus and was sold to the Rider Group (later to be part of First Group) later in the Year. York Pullman later passed to Durham Travel Services and then, in 2000 to First Group. The Current York Pullman was formed in 2007 by K and J Logistics.
D Hick
15/09/11 – 09:55
The original owners sold York Pullman to Reynard of Tadcaster in the late eighties adopting the name Reynard Pullman They in turn sold the coaching side of the business to Hull City Transport while the stage services went eventually to First
Chris Hough
16/09/11 – 09:33
On a visit to York last year, I had a walk along to Navigation Road to see if the depot remained. I had never been before and there didn’t seem to be any sign of it. Is it now demolished or re-developed?
Chris Barker
17/09/11 – 08:04
Yes-demolished a few years ago and replaced with student accommodation.
D Hick
15/01/12 – 16:41
Last time I saw this bus it was in a state with the engine out and wires everywhere, the body had been lifted of the chassis. I looked with a view of restoring it but bought Chesterfield Daimler 266 instead.
16/01/12 – 11:41
Don’t worry Andy Tyler – you’re far from being alone and its not sad at all. I spent much of my childhood and teenage years around the Samuel Ledgard depots at Ilkley, Otley, Yeadon and Armley “dreaming about driving a bus” (and West Yorkshire at Ilkley too) and succeeded in doing just that – for forty four years. I worked for many fascinating firms – Samuel Ledgard, West Yorkshire, Murgatroyds, Wallace Arnold, Independent Coachways, Leeds City Transport, South Yorkshire Road Transport, Caldaire (West Riding), British Bus, Cowie, Arriva – a dream come true and no regrets at all !!
Chris Youhill
11/07/12 – 08:10
Another dreamer! I finally learned to drive a bus at 50 years old (passed the test first time) Had 8 years with Southern National (Cawlett era). The stress finally got to me and I retired early. now living in York. Will extract a pic of Navigation road garage being demolished from the hard drive and send a copy in.
Steve Oxbrow